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Exam preparation wherever you need it.

Now with a fully interactive ebook providing access to exam preparation, anywhere and anytime on any device. Whether you are teaching or learning in class or online, the entire course is at your fingertips! 

Assign or submit homework through the virtual classroom and check results in the gradebook for instant feedback and progression. Integrated tools for taking notes, highlighting or personalising content as well as direct access to all audio and video content at a click! And a whole range of additional integration and evaluation tools to ensure your teaching or learning remains on track, period! 

Don’t just pass the exam, PERFORM!

The Complete series combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with first-hand knowledge of the challenges students face. This stimulating, topic-based course covers every part of the exam in detail, ensuring that students are fully equipped to tackle each part of every paper. Language work is fully integrated with exam preparation in each unit.

The Cambridge Exam Journey!

Creating a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Students are able to build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance. Through Exam advice and integrated exam practice, the Complete formula delivers successful and stress-free outcomes.

Test & Train: a unique mobile experience

Included in Complete Edizione Digitale and available across all digital devices, Test & Train delivers unique, easy-to-use practice through short, sharp workouts to maximise performance on exam day.

  • Inspire learners with official Exam Practice on any device
  • Maximise study time with auto-marking and at-a-glance class overviews
  • Manage individual and class performance through real time Class Data view
  • Replicate exam conditions with the Timed Practice Test.

Levels available


Teacher’s Support

Complete support for teachers

Lesson plans, answer keys, audio scripts and methodolgical support is only the start. The Teacher’s Books also provide extension activities and support for fast-finishers as well as a wealth of downloadable resources for speaking, reading, listening and writing as well as 2 complete official practice tests for the exam level! 

Testing & Evaluation

The Test Generator software provides complete flexibility and personalistion of all the test materials provided with the course alongside the «ready to print» tests provided in the Teacher’s book in two versions: Standard and Plus, for those classes you know you push a little further!

Digital teaching

A bespoke guidebook with full unit and lesson outlines on how to integrate digital learning and teaching seamlessly. From fully online classes to hybrid and blended solutions, the Remote Teaching Guide provides all the insights needed to teach and learn succesfully online.

A wealth of dedicated resources

Thousands of insights, ideas and resources to integrate freely into your lessons
Access to the official Cambridge Exam Handbooks
A complete guide to the vocabulary requirements benchmarked to the CEFR

Youtube playlists to support your teaching 

Get Tips, Tricks and Lesson Plans to aid your course, or inspire others with your own ideas